ColdFusion Education

What is it?

ColdFusion is a development platform that allows you to rapidly build and deploy web applications of any size (including Mobile).

Forget whatever rumors you hear, ColdFusion is easily comparable and most times better than its competitors which include: ASP, PHP, .Net and JSP. We are not ready to hold a debate here. You can visit hundreds of thousands of sites that duke it out for supremacy.

We are here to educate you and hopefully, help you make money. More importantly, it is our intent to keep the ColdFusion development community growing. Our ideology for providing free education is a direct attack on the blasphemy that ColdFusion is - or has ever been - a dying platform. With each new developer born out of education -- on such an easy-to-love product, the strength of the platform will continue to flourish.

Video Comments & Author Notes

Rapidly build rich, interactive web and mobile applications using a single platform

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Upcoming Video Release Schedule

It will be an amazing future for Goliath Development and for you. This is the first time we will be providing educational videos.

As a first and amazing task, we are going to be breaking down a social website like Facebook® and we will be going through the processes of creating a similar site.


Breaking Down an Application

In this lesson, we will be going over the details of how to examine an application. In this educational project, we will be dissecting Facebook and re-creating a similar application. Our disclaimer should go here... we do not, nor have we ever worked or consulted with Facebook or its developers. Our application will not be intended to be the same or live nor have all of the elaborate details of an application that has been developed over several years. Our objective here is to look at all the intricacies an application has and how to better understand its elements.

Creating a Development Plan

In this lesson, we will go over how you should plan out your development effort before a single line of code is written. This includes discussing security, hosting, development platform, timeline, etc.

Laying Down a Framework

This will be a short discussion about Frameworks and their purpose. We will teach you both, the non-framework way to do things and the reason for a framework.

Setting up your ColdFusion Development Environment

This lesson will show you how to install ColdFusion so that you can develop from your personal computer. It will show you how to understand the differences between production and development and how to successfully roll out your development efforts into a real website.

Starting to Code as a Beginner

You have to start somewhere. Everyone starts with Hello World. This lesson will take you through basic coding. It will teach you how ColdFusion talks to a database, how it uses variable and other elements. This lessons will probably be spit into several videos.

Advanced Coding Practices

Now that you have your coding flow going, it's time to use CFC's, scripts and other methods to get your application churning. This lesson will go over some of the advanced programming technique.

Elements of Design / How to CSS

So, you have your application doing everything you want it to do. It is returning information, submitting forms, emailing alerts, etc. but now it's time to design. If you are a programmer, it's your worst nightmare. That's why we leave it to the design professionals to explain and teach you a little CSS in this lesson.

Bringing it all together

This lesson will talk about finalizing your application. Coordinating with a test group and providing a test plan. It finally talks about rolling out to production and your post production plans for managing application changes and new application rollouts.